Why the name Moon & Back Graphics? My
favorite expression to family members is 'I love you
to the moon and back'. Therefore, when I
started this little adventure many years ago it was
my way of honoring my family. 2)
Why do you no longer offer a lot of link ware? There
are several reasons for this but the primary reason
is that it the terms of use were so often
abused. Many times we even found entire web
sites containing our sets with other's logos on each
set! As discouraging as that has become we can
not stop offering it altogether as we have met so
many wonderful folks over the years who do use our
link ware. We thank all those who have always
used it according to the terms. 3)
Why do you use so much photography? First,
because photography is my passion. Second,
because when I use my own photography I do not have
to worry about copyright issues. We found, sad
to say, that almost every time we purchased
photography to use from some stock photo site they
would then change their terms and not allow it to be
used for web set construction. I have folders
of unused photos I purchased only to have the
company change their terms of use. 4)
Why do you not offer tutoring and/or help with
setting up pages? First,
because of time constraints. Second, there are
many sites out there that offer WONDERFUL helps in
how to set up a web site and list ALL the tools and
helps you could possibly need. Just use your
search engine and you'll find a HOST of great sites
that do a much better job of tutoring then I ever
could. Third, we do include the HTML in all
our web sets for THAT web set. We believe this
is a BIG help to most folks. 5)
What about security on your site? This
is a tough question. Perhaps somewhere out
there there is a security program that will FULLY
protect the contents of a web site. However,
after purchasing and experimenting with several and
doing as much research as I can I have not found any
(within a reasonable price range) that does not have
at least ONE glitch. We do secure our pages to
the best of our ability but no system is foolproof
to the person without any ethics.
What cameras do you use? I
have several but my current favorites are my Sony 10
pixel and my Minolta 5D ... the Minolta is no longer
being made as Sony as purchased Minolta.

Courtesy Sets
Expressions I
Page 1 ~ Page
2 ~ Page 3
~ Page 4
Expressions III
Expressions IV
Expressions Through
Payment Options
Terms of Use
Thank you
Tips & Ideas