PLEASE NOTE:  This tips are offered as a courtesy.  We do hope that they will be of some help.  We will update them as we find things we think might be of general help.  Please do not write for further help as we are a business and time does not allow us to offer individual assistance.  Thank you.

In this section I will try to give a few 'tips' that help me.  Of course everyone has their way of setting up a web site, using a web set, etc.  So these are JUST tips.  There are so many great places to go on line to get GOOD Html help, etc.  They will be written as if everyone who reads them is a 'rookie' just getting started.  

If  you are not already familiar with how to use a 'search engine' to search the web for what you want try one like Google where you can search for help sites.  For example, simply type in HTML help and see all the sites that come up!

BEST TIP OF ALL:  Be sure to always backup your files on a separate disk or drive.  All your important files and also the copies of the zip files we send to you.  

1)  WEB SPACE:  If you are ordering a set and DO NOT YET HAVE A WEB SITE ... please know that what you are ordering is a page of graphics to put ON TO a web space.  This is NOT the actual web space.  You need to find and set up a site at some place like Yahoo (one of the easiest, in my opinion, to learn with) or any of the MANY other places to have either free space or purchase space (no ads).  THEN you can upload the web set you buy to your space.  A few times over our 10 years of having a graphics site we have had someone order a set and then found they think they are getting a 'web site' and that it 'goes on the web' without them doing anything.

2)  DOMAIN NAMES: If you do not want free space and if you DO WANT to choose your very own name to appear in your web site address (like ours, then you need to purchase a domain name.  That means you are purchasing the right to be the ONLY one using THAT name for how ever long your contract determines.  Again, simply type DOMAIN NAMES in the search engine and see how that come up!  One that many use is GO DADDY.

3)  ZIP PROGRAM:  You need a zip program in order to purchase almost everything over the Internet.  Perhaps one came with your computer.  Like Winzip.  If you use a windows operating system that is what you need in order to open a zipped file (also enables you to zip files!) You can Google the word WINZIP and see all the sites offering it that come up!  Most offer a trial version but if you intend to do a lot on the Internet you will eventually want to purchase the program to install permanently on your computer.

4)  OUR ZIPPED FILES:  when we send you a zipped file it will contain everything you need to produce the page just as you see it when you purchase it.  Then you can add whatever you want, remove any items you don't need, and put the page on your site.  You can use the page over and over in as many ways as you wish as many times as you wish.  You just can't 'share it with another' or sell it.  You may, of course, purchase sets to give as gifts if you are not going to use it.  Many do this.  OPEN THE ZIPPED FILE and you will see a folder containing all the graphics and a index.html page.  If you click on the index page (big blue e) it will open the page up for you on your computer ... when you do this then go to the top of your browser and click on VIEW and then VIEW SOURCE and you will see the HTML for the page.

5)  A HINT:  so many have found that the easiest way to set up your file directory (once you have your site you'll know what a file directory is) is to keep each page in it's own folder.  These are called subfolders.  Our pages come to you that way.  You do not have to keep it in the folder ... BUT you will have to rename the index.html to some other name if you do not keep them in their folders.  BUT ... keeping each page in it's folder makes it SO EASY to revise the page, remove the page, etc. To link to the pages that are in folders you just need to include the name of the folder in the tag line.  For example: ... in this example evensong is the name of the folder.  You will see more help on how to do this in your file directory if you are located at Yahoo or some such space that offers help.  

6)  WEBMASTER:  If you want a site but do not have the time or desire to set it up yourself then you will need a webmaster.  (someone who sets up and maintains a site for others)  Again, use your search engine to find a good one.  WEBMASTER:  I have found someone that I feel I can recommend.  This lady has been a client for years and a couple years back set up her own webmastering business and is currently taking new clients.  I have nothing to do with her site financially or otherwise other than to be able to recommend you visit her if you need a quality webmaster.  Her name is Heaven Lord and her sites is  Contact her from there to inquire about any needs you may have.


8)  DISABLE MOUSE OVER FEATURE IN WINDOWSAdd the following code to the body of your html: 
<span oncontextmenu="return false;" ondragstart="return false" ;>

9) OPENING WINDOWS PAGE WITHOUT BROWSER TASK BAR:  This is called a chromeless window (opening pages up full such as the way our sets open up in a new window with not task bar)

10)  SHARE THIS PAGE FEATURE:  Folks often ask how to use the Share This Page button.  

A second share this page feature can be set up like this ~ this uses a text Share This Page ... you can replace the text with the name of the .gif if you wish.

<A href="mailto:?subject=Name of page goes here&body=I visited here today and thought that you would enjoy it too! - check this out at: your address goes here"><FONT 
face=Agatha color=#CB9F3C size=6>Share This Page</A></P>
<DIV align=center>

Of course you can change the font color, etc., to suit your page needs.

11)  To Make your own Fav ... like our little Moon when you bookmark our site ... visit here:

If  you are brand new to the 'web adventure' (or even if you aren't) a wonderful place to visit, bookmark, and return often to is LISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL.  Remember to use the search engine as it is your best tool for finding the help you need on the Internet.

I have addressed here some of the most frequently asked for help issues.  We will add more as more things come to us that might aid you.

Quick Tip:  most of you who are on the Internet a lot already know this but one needs to 'clear their cache' of Internet files frequently.  If you don't you'll begin to find that pages do not open up for you.  I have mine set to not store pages in a cache but to 'open a new page each time I visit a site'.  Also, I clean out my temporary files/history frequently.  To set your browser to give you a new page every time you visit a site go to "TOOL" on your browser task bar.  Then click go to 'browsing history'  then click on settings and you will see the option of having a new page display each time.  Now you will ALSO see the option to delete all these files.  Cleans out your browsing system and opens up an amazing amount of room if you are one who surfs a lot.  CAUTION:  before deleting these files be sure you have your passwords written down some where safely as they will be deleted when the cookies are deleted.  


We have sold sets to folks who have shared with us how they planned to use the set and were surprised by some of their wonderful ideas.  We asked their permission to share the ideas and here they are!  If you have an idea please let us know:  CONTACT US 

1)  Memory Album of any special occasion ... put on CD for years of enjoyment.

2)  Album for the family for Christmas!  What a GRAND GIFT ... everyone in the family gets their own special page with photos and information about that beloved member!  A joy to last a lifetime.  

3)  A memorial album for a beloved family member who has passed.  Make copies of the CD for the various family members to hold on to and enjoy for years.

4)  A biographical CD of anyone you wish!

5)  A military album for a member of the military depicting their time in the service ... either current or a veteran.

6)  Wedding Album on CD

7)  Tribute album for someone you care deeply about.

8)  Christmas carol album.

9)  Power point presentations.

**These are ideas from 'our clients' ... please do not copy them and place them on your sales site. 

Courtesy Sets
Expressions I
Expressions  II
Page 1 ~  Page 2Page 3 ~ Page 4Expressions III
Expressions IV
Expressions Through Photos
Payment Options
Terms of Use
Thank you
Tips & Ideas


This site is owned and maintained solely by Moon and Back Graphics originating in 1998
and located in Colorado, USA.  All information and graphics on this site are @ Moon & Back Graphics
unless otherwise noted.  Any music heard on this site is courtesy of Margi Harell and is used with
her full permission and retains her copyright.